On this week’s episode, Simon Gallagher discusses with Brian Moorhead, one of the Grid Connection Managers at E-Smart Networks and Mark McCall, Chairman of the Electric Vehicle Association Northern Ireland, his recent road trip from Essex, England to Belfast, Northern Ireland, via Holyhead ferry.   Simon started by charging the car at 85% to prove a point,...
Hydrogen holds a lot of promise in helping us towards net zero – it is the most abundant element on earth, it creates zero carbon when burned and can be transported in pipelines the way we currently transport natural gas. In this episode, we take an evidence-based view of the potential of hydrogen guided by...
The UK Government launched its long awaited EV Infrastructure Strategy on 25th March 2022 – this week we take a look at that strategy, distilling the 137 page document into a 20 minute summary for industry stakeholders. We also look at the news – UKPN for sale, announcements from BP Pulse and some rumours the...
This week we take a look at grid scale battery storage with Brian Morehead, an expert in grid connections here at eSmart Networks. We look at the economics of batteries, why we connect them and the challenges around connecting them to the grid. Email us at thegrid@esmartnetworks.co.uk or look us up on LinkedIn
Fault level is a widely misunderstood but very important topic when considering connecting generation to the electricity networks, and has the potential to derail renewable generation projects. In this podcast we take a look at fault levels, what it is and what impacts it can as well as a round up of the weeks grid,...
Almost 500,000 households lost power across the UK on Friday 18th February. An army of thousands of dedicated and hardworking engineers have were sent out to fix massive damage to our high voltage networks. This special episode explores how the networks get ready for storms, and the massive task of getting the lights back for...
Connecting electric vehicle chargers and renewable generation to the grid often results in ‘reinforcement charges’ that can easily de-rail a project on cost and timescale grounds. Things are about to change in a big way – we explore this on  this podcast, plus explore some news on the price cap, Ofgem and EDF.

Meet your host

Brian Moorhead

Brian Moorhead MEng MIET Assoc CIPD is currently Grid Consultancy Director at eSmart Networks, heading up their UK-wide Grid Connection Management Team.

Brian has spent his whole career in the power industry across a range of roles focused on industrial electrification to the grid, connecting renewables, battery storage and EV charging.

His previous roles include Programme Management of Major Connections (11kV to 275kV) focused on Large Energy Users, Renewable and large-scale Battery Storage Projects; management of the DNO-ICP interface, developing grid policy at a nationwide level and client-facing project design & management.

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