State of EV Charging in Northern Ireland

Discussion on EV Charging infrastructure in Northern Ireland and what needs to happen to sort it out fast to enable the transition to EVs in NI

Back to The Grid
Episode #7
14th Jul, 2022

State of EV Charging in Northern Ireland

On this week’s episode, Simon Gallagher discusses with Brian Moorhead, one of the Grid Connection Managers at E-Smart Networks and Mark McCall, Chairman of the Electric Vehicle Association Northern Ireland, his recent road trip from Essex, England to Belfast, Northern Ireland, via Holyhead ferry.  


Simon started by charging the car at 85% to prove a point, so his first stop was at a Staffordshire Ionity site. He then very easily got on the boat to Dublin, and from there charged the car once again in another Ionity site, Dublin City North.   


All was well, until he got to Northern Ireland. 



  • The trip 
  • Funding  
  • Public chargers 
  • Investments in Northern Ireland 
  • A new set of challenges 
  • Pricing policy 
  • Capacity problem 
  • No-man’s land 
  • Decarbonization 
  • Ofgem 
  • The regulatory environment 
  • The case of Fulwell to accommodate EV buses 
  • What has to move forward 


You can find more about Mark’s organization visiting the website: 





Meet your host

Brian Moorhead

Brian Moorhead MEng MIET Assoc CIPD is currently Grid Consultancy Director at eSmart Networks, heading up their UK-wide Grid Connection Management Team.

Brian has spent his whole career in the power industry across a range of roles focused on industrial electrification to the grid, connecting renewables, battery storage and EV charging.

His previous roles include Programme Management of Major Connections (11kV to 275kV) focused on Large Energy Users, Renewable and large-scale Battery Storage Projects; management of the DNO-ICP interface, developing grid policy at a nationwide level and client-facing project design & management.

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