Grid Podcast: Capacity Crunch Update – State of Play in May 2024

Brian Moorhead & David McDonald talk you through the major changes that are just around the corner for grid connections in the UK.
4th Jun, 2024
The Grid Podcast

Brian Moorhead & David McDonald talk you through the major changes that are just around the corner for grid connections in the UK.

For anyone with export capacity connections in the queue (connection offer accepted): we strongly recommend starting to do your homework for the recent Distribution and Transmission Networks Operators joint call to action.

All projects are required to provide information on planning status and land rights for all export capacity grid connections (some DNOs have specified >1MW only, we recommend you clarify this if <1MW). Responding on time with the right information could be the difference between having 15 years added to your connection date, or having it accelerated. Export capacity for all accepted offers in the current queue is at risk.

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