Artelia – EV Charging Solution – Shell Fenstanton

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  • New HV supply of six 150KW rapid chargers
  • Designed, built and installed substation, HV supply and LV terminations
  • Full HV testing and commissioning of substation
  • One of the First Artelia site in Europe using Tritium PKM 150 charge points
  • Works taking place on a live forecourt
  • Working with other contractors in a restricted working area
  • Pre-cast substation base installation utilised


eSmart Networks were appointed by Artelia to complete an 11kV installation providing a supply for new EV Charging points. This included the first Artelia site in Europe using Tritium PKM 150 EV fast charging points which offer world-class reliability and serviceability.

As part of this project eSmart Networks designed and built a connection to the existing HV network and installed a new High Voltage (HV) substation, including precast bases, and Low Voltage (LV) pillar terminations. All works were completed whilst working within close proximity of local residences and a fully operational filling station.


  • The offsite cable route was congested with existing services; therefore, excavation works had to be moved into the carriageway.- Due to the close proximity of gas mains, Cadent Gas needed to be present throughout the works. This required collaborative working and meticulous planning and organisation to keep on programme.
  • To develop a phased programme that was acceptable to both Cadent & the local council. In order to provide safe working conditions, Cadent Gas required eSN to excavate a series of trial holes to ensure we did not affect their existing assets. We worked closely with Cadent Gas on the trial holes whilst also coordinating with the local authority to allow repeated access to the road space.
  • The forecourt was required to remain open and operational throughout all of the onsite and offsite works. The biggest challenge was to ensure continuity of power whilst the new onsite infrastructure was being energised, eSN expertly scoped, planned and utilised back-up generation to allow the site to remain fully operational.
  • A comprehensive site review was undertaken to identify the optimal lay down area for materials and storage facilities. Close cooperation was required with both the council and site staff to ensure the site could be kept clean and tidy and the forecourt operational throughout the works.


  • To ease any concerns of the local residents prior to the works commencing we established good lines of communication with them by giving notice of dates and details of the work with both letter drops & face to face communication.
  • Effective organisation and timely communication with the DNO/IDNO & local authority ensured we were able to maintain programme and meet the customer’s required live date.
  • Our dedicated project manager liaised closely with the end customer & Arcadis, to notify them well in advance of any disruption to power at the site.
  • We fully leveraged our proactive approach to planning work to push for the live date to be completed in early February 2023.
  • We effectively managed our teams which allowed us to increase supervision, both offsite and onsite, to ensure frequent and clear communication.